July 22

Is Britain supposed to be GREEN?


Why are Vintage EV’s being challenged??? I’m now battling with the DVLA and they have threatened to take back the EV’s reg’ plate – AEV850……..

It could be the Gov’ in their lack of wisdom are thinking about the loss of road tax (EV’s are fee of road tax) and then there is the loss of whatever is connected to M.O.T’s

This week, the body-shop finally (after 2.5years!!!!!) handed back the new paint job. Supposed to be Pullman colours [Rhubarb & Custard or Cream], some say Strawberries and Cream??

Yes I know the bonnet is hanging free, that’s because I held back the chrome cowl. The next task is powder-coating the spoked wheels and new tyres to be finished by local lad – Lee (I’d recommend him too).

Ooooo Pullman Colours


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